Our story

You And Me In Curing Cancer


Our team

A small group of passionate and ambitious people. Alongside Yamicc’s core team works a specialised group of renowned medical experts, top researchers and seasoned board members to find the most effective treatments for rare cancer patients.

Our approach

We believe in the power of focused work. Therefore, we will initially concentrate on one specific type of rare cancer: brain cancer. Once our approach is mature enough, we extend our work to other forms of rare cancers.

Instrumental in our approach is the collection of comprehensive datasets of these rare cancers in a standardized and structured manner. Varying from clinical to genetic data. This dataset forms the foundation for both fundamental and translational research .

The (prospective) dataset will initially be collected from clinical trials initiated by us in various hospitals. For example, we have developed the ‘ReDiReCCT-GB trial’ within Erasmus MC. In this clinical study, in principle, every new patient with a glioblastoma can participate and will be followed from diagnosis until the end. This data collection has the goal to find a (repurposed) drug specifically for the patient.

To facilitate and support the collection of the necessary data (typically from multiple sources at multiple sites), Yamicc will orchestrate a data-driven research platform that focuses on easily and securely collecting, processing, and sharing data in a governed way.

Our knowledge and expertise in applying innovative technologies, such as low-code and artificial intelligence, is not only crucial for the realization of this, but is also fundamentally different from other research platforms.

Last, but not least, we truly believe in the power of strong communities. Hence, we initiated a partner program consisting of other research institutions, medical organizations, NGOs and interest groups to collaborate in finding a cure together.

Our policy

In our policy plan you can read more about our key objectives, activities, and how we are organized to find more effective treatments for patients with an oncological orphan disease.

Additionally, Yamicc board members receive no remuneration for their work other than, for example, compensation for costs incurred and attendance fees. Our foundation acts entirely on a non-profit basis and therefore does not maintain more assets than is reasonably necessary for the continuity of the projects to achieve our goals.

Want to know more? Download our policy here!
